Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What a Tough Mathematics Question for a 7 year old

It took 7 heads to ponder over this supposedly Mathematical question. This question is found in an assessment book for 7 year old, Primary 2 kids.

Try and solve it!

The setter for this question must be Crazy, Man!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Eating Insects (Entomophagy) the Green way of Diet

Next time when you are going to kill that cockroach in your kitchen, think twice!

It could just be a great substitute for meat and you could be doing a good deed to the Environment. Read the excerpt from an article in TIME Magazine:

"The very qualities that make bugs so hard to get rid of could also make them an environmentally friendly food. "Nature is very good at making insects," says David Gracer, one of the chefs at the Richmond festival and the founder of future bug purveyor Sunrise Land Shrimp. Insects require little room and few resources to grow. For instance, it takes far less water to raise a third of a pound (150 g) of grasshoppers than the staggering 869 gal. (3,290 L) needed to produce the same amount of beef. Since bugs are cold-blooded invertebrates, more of what they consume goes to building edible body parts, whereas pigs and other warm-blooded vertebrates need to consume a lot of calories just to keep their body temperature steady. There's even a formula, called the efficiency of conversion of ingested food to body substance (ECI), that can be used to compare the weight different animals gain after eating a certain quantity of feed. Beef cattle have an ECI of 10. Silkworms range from 19 to 31. German cockroaches max out at 44.

Incredibly efficient to raise, insects are also crawling packets of nutrition. A 100-gram (3.5 oz.) portion of cooked Usata terpsichore caterpillars--commonly eaten in central Africa--contains about 28 grams (1 oz.) of protein, slightly more than you'd get from the same amount of chicken. Water bugs have four times as much iron as beef."

So next time you see a cockroach in the kitchen when you're cooking, SMILE cuz' you just earned yourself something delicious.

Eating Bugs :,9171,1810336,00.html
Image :

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lots of Power Points for Power Hoggers

Great news to laptop-users-cum-Power-Hoggers!

Plenty of plug points for you in the atrium of Compass Point Shopping Mall!

You can even charge your mobile phones, PSP, NintendoDS, watch your TV, install a fridge, etc...

But would you dare to do it? You Must Be Crazy, Man!

Advertisements on a Toilet Seat Cover

Nowadays, advertisements are everywhere. Even the most private cubicle in the toilet is a good spot for advertising.

Here's an advertisement by Campus Speed on an NUS toilet seat cover.

For that matter, I hope they don't shift the auditorium seats to the toilet to replace the toilet seats.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What's Nanyang University books doing in NUS Library?

In the closed stacks of the National University of Singapore (NUS) lies the now-renamed Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Nanyang University book.

On the left is the Nanyang University chop while on the right is the NUS library chip.

Here, you can see the NUS chop on the yellow paper.

Am I crazy?

You Must be Crazy, Man!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Leg Pulling & Dreams


Last Night I dreamt of you pulling my leg....

And Now I'm Pulling yours :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


No, it's definitely not a lottery figure.

Try asking your peers what this number means...







1 2 6 2 9

Introduction - Human Beings Are Crazy, SO ARE YOU

You Must Be Crazy, Man!

Bet my last penny down that you would have heard that phrase yelled upon you in your lifetime.

Welcome to the real world, all Human Beings are Crazy. Sometimes we just need to loosen up and get ALIVE and A Life!

You Must Be Crazy, Man! aims to capture all the wackiest, craziest stuff that we do and say randomly.

Take out your paper and pen if you want to use these materials on others. Haha!

Let's Get Crazy!